The scholarship is annual and is renewed on condition that the student has completed the program of activities planned for the previous year, verified according to university regulations provided in art. 8, paragraph 1 (f).
The total amount of the stock exchange is €15,343.28 to be paid in monthly deferred installments. The monthly salary is increased by 50% in case of student research activity abroad, for a total period still not exceeding 18 months and after authorization of the Coordinator or the College of Teachers for periods below or above six consecutive months, respectively.
Furthermore, at the beginning of the second year each student receives an extra-budget amount equal to 10% of the scholarship for the research activity. The non-admission of the student to the following Doctorate year by the College of Teachers also entails scholarship withdrawal.
The aforementioned rules shall not apply to fellows from foreign States or beneficiaries of financial support under specific mobility programs related to the provisions of the specific regulation.
For further information, please see the Ateneo’s Web site.
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