General information and admission Submission procedure and evaluation of tutoring proposals for university scholarships
Submission procedure and evaluation of tutoring proposals for university scholarships
Submission procedure and evaluation of tutoring proposals for university scholarships
The main points are:
This year the publication of the call for the XXXVII cycle should be between April-May 2021, subject to changes. Therefore, the selection procedure for the tutoring proposals of the Doctorate in SAA will be held between the end of February and the first of March in order to be able to comply with the expected exit times of the aforementioned call.
- DAGRI professor, also external to the Teaching Board, propose the research topics, suitably documented and supported by the availability of adequate resources (instrumental, financial, etc.). The Board, through a specific Commission appointed by it, evaluates the research proposals based on their quality, feasibility and innovation and draws up the merit ranking, which will be followed for the allocation of places with scholarship and without scholarship.
- Also following a recent note from the Rector's Delegate to the Doctorate, it is clarified that the RTDs and all the teachers who cannot guarantee coverage of the entire three-year cycle (for example, due to retirement) will not be able to submit proposals.
- The tutors of PhD students who use a University scholarship (and / or a Youth Fund Scholarship) in the two courses preceding the call in question (in the case of XXXVI and XXXVII), cannot apply for the XXXVIII cycle, so as to guarantee the alternation.
- It will be possible to present only one proposal for places with scholarship. Based on the decision to operate on a single ranking, additional proposals may be submitted with the clarification that these are requests for places without scholarship. . (The latter not being competitive for university scholarships will be evaluated in order to guarantee an adequate training course for the doctoral student also providing for the mandatory period abroad)
- The contents of points "3" and "4" above may not be considered in the absence of a sufficient number of proposals from the members of the Department.
To this end, interested parties are requested to fill in the appropriate form providing the requested information and to send it by January 31st (please respect the deadlines to allow the conclusion of the procedure within the expected times, linked to the opening of the notice).
Interested teachers can fill in the appropriate form directly from the doctoral website which will be available from February 15 to march 15, 2022
Additional information
The proposals evaluation is done by a Commission appointed by the Teaching Board. The Commision members are the coordinator, unless he has submitted a scholarship request, and by the tutors of the University scholarships of the previous doctoral cycle (XXXVII cycle). If the Commission deems it appropriate, in order to ensure a correct evaluation of the proposals, it will be able to make use of the support of experts in the proposed topics and also prepare interviews with the referents.
The tutors of the second previous cycle (XXXVI) are considered as supplementary members and, if necessary, are summoned on the basis of their skills with respect to the themes of the proposals to be evaluated. For the scientific evaluation of the proposals that are absolutely not attributable to the competences of the commission, the coordinator can ask for the opinion of a competent external auditor.
The proposals are assessed on the basis of the scientific qualification of the tutor , the scientific quality of the proposal, the feasibility, the availability of adequate budget for the research activityof the Ph.D. student.
In the evaluation of the tutor are also considered:
- The tutor's evaluations by his / her previous PhD students
- Compliance with the types of doctorate (co-tutoring, European) declared in any previous applications for the assignment of University scholarships starting from the XXXV cycle
- The carrying out of at least three months of internships abroad of any previous doctoral students
- The production by any previous doctoral students of at least one printed job in the extendable three-year period, a discretion of the commission, until the end of the doctorate for a justified reason.
In case of a negative opinion by the PhD students and / or non-compliance with the other items, a penalty is applied to the evaluation of the proposal..
The proposal form is completed online on the doctoral website.
The average of the evaluations represents the score of each proposal, on which the ranking is made. At the end of the proposals evaluation, the Commission draws up the final ranking of the proposals, which is made public.