Piazzale delle Cascine 18, 50144 Firenze (Italy)
Office phone: 055 2755747
I am Edoardo Bellini. I was born on 06/10/1993 in Prato (PO). I graduated at the University of Florence where I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Sciences in 2016 and a Master’s Degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies in 2018 (110 cum laude/110).
I attended the “Erasmus + Geonatura Project - Open educational resources platform for geomatics applications to social and environmental issues” at the University of Glasgow, Scotland (UK) and the “INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL AgMnet+” in “Agrometeorology and crop modelling” – “SERBIA FOR EXCELL” Project at the University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad (Serbia).
Argenti G., Staglianò N., Bellini E., Messeri A., Targetti S. (2020) Effects of environmental and management factors on pasture vegetation types in an alpine area. (accepted on Italian Journal of Agronomy).
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