Sezione coltivazione arboree (stanza 94) Viale delle idee 30, Sesto Fiorentino (FI).
055 4574006 055 4574091
BSc degree in 2013 in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies at the University of Florence (106/110) with a thesis entitled “Culture of the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum under nutrient stress for the production of biofuels”. MSc degree in 2017 in Plant and Microbial Biotechnology at the University of Pisa (110/110 cum laude) with a thesis on “Molecular and functional characterization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from a biodiversity hot spot of the UNESCO reserve Selva Pisana”. From 2013 to 2017, collaboration with F&M (Fotosintetica & Microbiologica S.r.l.) in isolation and characterization of microalgal and cyanobacterial strains and in the maintenance of the F&M algae culture collection. Currently PhD student in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (Microbiology section) at the University of Florence.
Turrini A., Bedini A., Bonilla Loor M.J., Santini G., Sbrana C., Giovannetti M., Luciano A. (2017). Local diversity of native arbuscular mycorrhizal symbionts differentially affects growth and nutrition of three crop plant species. Biology and Fertility of Soils 54(2).
Conference talks and seminars
AlgaEurope 2018, 4-6.12.2018, Amsterdam (The Netherlands); poster presentation.
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