Jacopo Manzini


Jacopo Manzini
Thesis: "Assessment of ornamental tree species ability to remove atmospheric pollutants and mitigate climate change in urban environment"


Francesco Nicese

Co tutor: Yasutomo Hoshika




Office address

Viale delle Idee, 30 – 50019 Sesto fiorentino (FI)




I was born in Fiesole (FI) on 02/08/1991. In 2018 I obtained a BSc degree in "Nursery sciences, environment and green areas management" at the University of Florence with the following thesis: "Effects of ozone stress on biomass production and allocation in tropical and Mediterranean plant species" (110/110 cum laude).

In 2020, at the same University, I obtained a MSc Degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies with a thesis entitled "Phytopathological and eco-physiological evaluations on Cupressus sempervirens clones inoculated with Seiridium cardinale and subjected to Ozone fumigation" (110/110 cum laude).

Winner of a research grant at the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (DAGRI), I carried out research in the ornamental and olive nursery sector.

Currently, I’m a research fellow at the Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET) of the Italian CNR and I’m enrolled in the PhD course in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 


  • Manzini, J., Hoshika, Y., Carrari, E., Sicard, P., Paoletti, E. (2021). Assessment of tree species ability to remove atmospheric pollutants in urban environments within the AIRFRESh project. International Conference on Air pollution threats Plant Ecosystems a Paphos, Cipro, il 11-15 Ott 2021. Abstract book, pag. 57.
  • Hoshika, Y., Carrari, E., Katata, G., Manzini J., Forni, F., Paoletti, E. (2018). Estimating the contribution of urban woody plants to the removal of atmospheric pollution: a species-specific case study in Italy. International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems a Firenze, Italia, il 21-25 Mag 2018. Abstract book, pag. 105.

Conference talks and seminars

  • Manzini, J., Hoshika, Y., Carrari, E., Sicard, P., Paoletti, E. (2021). Assessment of tree species ability to remove atmospheric pollutants in urban environments within the AIRFRESh project. Paphos, Cipro, il 11-15 Ottobre 2021. (Oral and poster presentation)
  • Hoshika, Y., Carrari, E., Katata, G., Manzini, J., Forni, F., Paoletti, E. (2018). Estimating the contribution of urban woody plants to the removal of atmospheric pollution: a species-specific case study in Italy. International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems. Firenze, Italia, il 21-25 Maggio 2018. (Poster presentation) 


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