Teachers: dr. Francesco Tiezzi Mazzoni from the Stella Maestra and Dr. Stefano Biffani
The didactic program of the course takes place over 5 consecutive full time days.
The topics covered in the various days are:
The days include a theoretical part in the morning and a practical part in the afternoon.
● Introduction to R and Rstudio,
● Using projects (.Rproj),
● Script concept (.R / .r)
● Importing data with the readr package
● Basic concepts and operations
● Probability, random variables and their distribution
● Population and sample
● Basic statistical analysis (mean, sd, t.test, correlation, regression)
● Creation of functions for the organization of results (e.g. descriptive statistics)
● Visualization (ggplot)
● Introduction to the use of native R loops and functions (numbering, selection, extraction, marginal sum), ~ 4 hours
● The tidyverse package (and main differences with the R Base packages / approach), using the%>% (|>) command
● Data Management 1
or filter the records by a certain value (filter)
or sort the records by one or + keys (arrange)
or select some variables (select)
or create new variables (mutate, ifelse, case_when)
● Data Management 2
o create new summary data (summarise), grouped by variable (group_by)
or transpose the data (pivot_longer, pivot_wider)
or work with dates (lubridate, as.date)
or merge data.frame (merge, join)
● Report creation (Rmarkdown)
Riccardo Bozzi, Francesco Tiezzi e Stefanoo Biffani -
The days include a theoretical part in the morning and a practical part in the afternoon.
● Concept of experimental design
● Statistical analysis of experimental data
o Analysis of variance
o More frequent experimental designs in agriculture: Latin square, blocks
randomized (complete and incomplete), multi-level designs (split-plot and strip-plot)
● Estimation of one or more parameters (estimability, error, collinearity)
● Statistical analysis of field data
o How to extract an experimental design from unstructured data
o Analysis of variance with incomplete drawings
● Special cases
o Mixed models
o Non-Gaussian models
● broom package
Compulsory attendance: 75% of the lessons (collection of signatures) (2CFU)
Final assessment: yes
Course structure: lessons and exercises
Teaching material: PhD website
The purpose of the course is to make doctoral students aware of the different types of research projects and to provide the information necessary for the correct drafting of a project proposal. The main types of European projects will be introduced (Horizon Europe, Life, PRIMA Marie Curie Actions).
During the course we will evaluate how to select and understand the requests of the call to build the project proposal. The aspects concerning the writing of the project will therefore be considered with practical applications, both of a scientific type (state of the art, methodology), those of an administrative type (budget elaboration. The procedures that the project proposals follow after their presentation will also be illustrated. .
The practical aspects (1.5 CFU) will include tests of writing the text of excelence and methodology and identifying the milestones and deliverables. A budget will also be tried. The papers prepared by the PhD students will then be discussed to highlight the critical issues.
Compulsory attendance: 75% of the lessons (collection of signatures)
Final assessment: yes
Course structure: lessons
Didactic material: provided by the teacher
How to select the call of interest, evaluate the requests and define the partnership to build the project proposal. Evaluate the economic aspects in relation to the requests of the call and the number of partnerships. The role and responsibility of the principal investigator in formulating the project. Specifically, the actions to be implemented in the phases of contact with the partners in order to provide for the compilation of part A and B in which the main types of European proposals are divided, to avoid problems of insolvency and to accelerate the administrative and lawyers of the drafting of the proposal.
On the basis of the notions acquired during the design course, the preparation of a Gantt will be simulated, verifying its usefulness in writing and managing the project
Useful links for finding information sources.
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