XXXV cycle

Subjects matters

Research topics with university scholarship

Molecular mechanisms involved in exopolymers secretion in biocrust forming cyanobacteria and their response to desiccation stress

Lipid carry-over in an experimental insect based aquaculture supply chain

Responses of Mediterranean understory vegetation to climate warming: assessing the role of microclimate on forest seed-bank and plant traits across Europe

Aromatic plants of the Tuscan archipelago : chmical characterization and agronomic performance for conservation strategies and adaptation to climate change

Precision LIVESTOCK farming for the management of grazing beef cattle

Study of the impacts of climate change on Alpine pastoral resources in order to identify possible adaptation strategies

Research topics without  scholarship

Development of techniques and technologies for the recognition of the phytosanitary condition of herbaceous and arboreal crops


Reserch topics with no university scholarship

Development of techniques and technologies for the recognition of the phytosanitary condition of herbaceous and arboreal crops

Improvement agronomic management of winter wheat, for increasing quality and quantity of yield


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