PhD, tutor and internal reviewers XXXIII cycle

bandiera italiana


Doctorate: Carolina Fabbri - email: carolina.fabbri(AT)

Thesis: "Analysis of agronomic management effects on nitrogen emissions from agricultural soils"

Scholarship: Ateneo

Tutors: Simone Orlandini

Reviewers: Anne Gobin, Enrico Palchetti


Doctorate: Andrea Simiani - email: andrea.simiani(AT)

Thesis: "Polymeric matrix of biocrusts: role in the improvement of soil quality and in the exchange of metabolites among the residing microorganisms"

Scholarship: Ateneo

Tutors: Roberto De Philippis

Reviewers: Carlo Viti, Giacomo Certini


Doctorate: Leonardo Sabbatini - email: leonardo.sabbatini(AT)

Thesis: "Salt tolerance in Olea europaea"

Scholarship: Ateneo

Tutors: Stefano Mancuso, Paris Sorbonne Citè

Reviewers: Francesco Ferrini, Francesco Loreto


Doctorate: Gaia Santini - email: gaia.santini(AT)

Thesis: "Algal cultures for the production of antifungal compounds and biostimulants"

Scholarship: Ateneo

Tutors: Liliana Rodolfi

Reviewers: Mario Tredici, Stefano Mancuso


Doctorate: Agnese Bellabarba - email: agnese.dellabarba(AT)

Thesis: "Into the Wild: how rhizobia compete and survive in the early stages of symbiosis"

Scholarship: Piano strategico

Tutors: Carlo Viti

Reviewers: Maria Teresa Ceccherini, Marco Fondi


Doctorate: Marco Nocentini - email: marco.nocentini(AT)

Thesis: "Relating chemical and physical properties of carbonized organic matter to its function as a peat substitute"

Scholarship: Ateneo

Tutors: Tutor: Giacomo Certini, Cotutor: Heike Knicker (IRNAS-CSIC), Siviglia

Reviewers: Daniel  Rasse, Alessandra Lagomarsino


Doctorate: Paola Ganugi - email: paola.ganugi(AT)

Thesis: "Germoplam characterization of Tuscany’s Triticum species in relation to the main fungal pathogens with a special focuss on mycotossic species"

Scholarship: Ateneo

Tutor: Mario Enrico Pè Istituto Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa

Reviewers: Donatella Paffetti, Giacomo Pietramellara


Doctorate: Giuseppe Altieri (Retired at the end of the second year)

Thesis: "Agroecology and Biodiversity for Rural Development and the Protection of Environmental Health"

Scholarship: Sovrannumero

Tutors: Stefano Benedettelli

Reviewers: Laura Mugnai, Patrizia Sacchetti


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