Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 - 50144 Firenze
Born in Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) on 31/12/1993, he obtained his Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences at the School of Agriculture of the University of Florence in 2017, with a thesis entitled "Differences between conventional agriculture and conservation agriculture and their effects on soil and on a typical crop". In 2020 he graduated in the Master's degree course in Agricultural Science and Technology at the same School discussing a thesis entitled "Productivity of organic herbaceous systems: results of research over the last 27 years at the long-term experiment in Montepaldi, Florence". In 2020 he won a research grant at the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (DAGRI) of the University of Florence. He works on the study and experimentation of agroecological practices in sustainable agroecosystem management, the implementation of organic farming systems and the development of soil fertility and biodiversity indicators within agroecosystems. He is currently attending the PhD course in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (DAGRI).
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