XXXII cycle

Research topics of the  XXXII cycle

Research topics with university scholarship

Study of rootstock-scion interactoins in grapevine

Innovative protein sources in feed for salmonids: Effects on lipid metabolism, gut microbiota and fillet quality

Investigation of the suitability of marine remediated sediments as growing media for food crops

Tree diversity and forest functionality: an integrated analysis of national databases and field surveys

Algal cultures for the production of advanced biofuels and biofertilizers

Development of diagnostic techniques for studying quarantine plant pathogens

Complementary researches and biotechnological innovative approaches towrds the environmentaly-friendly control of bacterial disease of plants

Research topics with no scholarship

Climate resilient crops in hot spot regions of climate change the case of Quinoa in Burkina Faso

Generation of biocomposed by microbial catalysts fed by CO2 and electrons, with potential for the production of biofuel and compounds of pharmaceutical, food and industrial interest


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