Andrea Carli


Andrea Carli
Andrea Carli
PhD cycle XXXIX
Phd project: “Effects of water stress on agronomic, morphological and physiological parameters of maize genotypes with different drought tolerance”


Anna Dalla Marta



Office address

Piazzale delle Cascine 18 - 50144 Firenze

Office phone



Andrea Carli was born in Grosseto (GR) on 22/01/1997. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florence in 2020 with a thesis entitled: "New vegetable protein adjuvants for wine stabilisation" (110/110 with honours).

In 2022, at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Florence, he obtained his master's degree in Agricultural Science and Technology with a thesis entitled: "Cultivation of Arbutus unedo L. as a source of polyphenols: effects of water stress and comparison of two forms of cultivation" (110/110 with honours).

After graduation, he obtained a research fellow entitled: “E-Crops technologies for sustainable digital agriculture - Sensing technologies for the estimation of the physiological state of plants” at the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP) of the CNR, in Florence.

After completing his research fellow on the 'E-Crops' programme, he began a new research fellow at the same institute on the project: “EvoPlant - Biochemical and diffusive optimisation of photosynthesis: evolutionary implications for the development of climate-resilient production plants”.

He is currently a PhD student in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry (DAGRI) of the University of Florence.

Main Papers

Seminars and conference

  • Haworth, M., Carli, A., Montesano, V., Balestrini, R., Marino G. and Centritto, M. (2023). Differential stomatal density and size responses to drought in three Cannabis sativa genotypes: effect on stomatal conductance and physiological stomatal behaviour. Congress of the Italian Society of Plant Biology, 11-14 September, Bari, Italy. Poster.


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