PhD XXXIX cycle


Chiara Capelli
Chiara Capelli
PhD cycle XXXIX
PhD project: “Hydrogen production in bio-electrochemical systems with purple non-sulfur bacteria” 
Andrea Carli
Andrea Carli
PhD cycle XXXIX
Phd project: “Effects of water stress on agronomic, morphological and physiological parameters of maize genotypes with different drought tolerance”
Luca de Guttry
Luca De Guttry
PhD cycle XXXIX 
PhD project: "Integration of multisensor remote sensing data (optical and radar) and modelling tools to monitor and characterize agro-silvo-pastoral"

Adja Cristina Lira De Medeiros
Adja Lira De Medeiros
PhD cycle XXXIX
PhD project: “Impact of microplastics on ruminal microbial metabolism using an in vitro study.” 
Giulia Pastacaldi
Giulia Pastacaldi
PhD cycle XXXIX
PhD project: "Multispectral UAV-based crop coefficient estimation models at field scale"
Riccardo Picone
Riccardo Picone
PhD cycle XXXIX
PhD project: “Optimization of plant-soil feedback under legume-cereal intercropping systems 
Lorenzo Reali
Lorenzo Reali
PhD cycle XXXIX
PhD project: "Microalgal cultures for obtaining raw materials for biosustainable industrial and food applications"
Elisabetta Toni
PhD cycle XXXIX
PhD project: "Agronomic/environmental impact and microbial processes involved in interactions between livestock by-products and biochar"
Walter Vieri
Walter Vieri
PhD cycle XXXIX
PhD project: "Development predictive models for the cultivation of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) by incorporating phenotypic and environmental data using artificial intelligence."


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