Luca De Guttry


Luca De Guttry
Luca de Guttry
PhD cycle XXXIX
PhD project: "Integration of multisensor remote sensing data (optical and radar) and modelling tools to monitor and characterize agro-silvo-pastoral"

PhD project description

Extensive agro-silvo-pastoral systems contribute to multiple functions and ecosystem services. Nevertheless, they are facing the negative influence of climate and land use change, together with the difficulties caused by land abandonment. In a nutshell, my PhD project has the ambition to contribute to the development of tools and strategies for a more resilient and sustainable management of these systems.

To reach this objective, remote sensing techniques, integrating data from different sensors (optical and radar), will be exploited to develop relations able to estimates important pastures’ vegetational parameters, such as the Leaf Area Index (LAI) or grass height.

Simultaneously, remote sensing data sources will also be used to develop a classification algorithm able to distinguish the presence of different plant/functional communities, providing valuable information from a management perspective.

A second line of research of the project involves the use of a modelling approach to simulate forage availability at the field scale. Existing above ground biomass (AGB) simulation models will be integrated with satellite derived inputs, in order to improve their performance and give back spatialized (i.e., pixel level) estimates of forage availability in extensive silvo-agro-pastoral systems. The usage of remote sensing techniques is expected to increase the applicability of the findings of the project, both spatially and temporally.

The exact study areas of project are yet to be defined. However, possibilities include alpine (e.g., Carnic Alps), temperate (e.g., the Apennines) and mediterranean systems (e.g., Sardinia or North-Africa), where established projects allow for a base of collected measures, which will be then integrated with the project’s fieldwork. If possible, this will allow to cover a wide climatic gradient, from the alpine conditions to the mediterranean context, and gain a deeper understanding of agro-silvo-pastoral systems under different growing conditions.


Camilla Dibari



Office address

Piazzale delle Cascine 18, 50144 Firenze (IT)

Office phone



I obtained a MSc. in Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University (NL) defending my thesis in February 2022. Thesis’ title: ‘Functional traits variation of an herbaceous species (Campanula serrata) along an altitudinal gradient’.

Successively, I worked for one year as research fellow at the University of Florence (DAGRI), focusing on remote sensing techniques applied to extensive pastures’ systems, crop modelling and the elaboration of both present and future climatic data.

As of today, I am PhD student at DAGRI (University of Florence)

My main scientific interests include GIS and remote sensing analyses, plant ecology, climate change, extensive pastures’ systems and, more in general, marginal agro-ecosystems.

Main Papers


Seminars and conferences

Dibari C., Chiara Aquilani C., Giovanni Argenti G., Andrea Confessore A., de Guttry L., Staglianò N., Pugliese C., Trombi G. - Misure di adattamento e innovazione tecnologica a supporto dell’emergenza climatica: l’esperienza in sistemi agro-silvo-pastorali montani. (‘Adaptation measures and technological innovations for the climate emergency: experiences from mountainous agro-silvo-pastoral systems’) - Forum Nazionale di Agroforestazione, Rome 6 -7 December 2023 (National Forum on Agroforestry). Oral presentation.

de Guttry L., Stendardi L., Costafreda-Aumedes S., Bellini E., Confessore A., Aquilani C., Moriondo M., Staglianò N., Pugliese C., Argenti G., Dibari C. - Assessment of Grazing Intensity Integrating Google Earth Engine (Sentinel-2) and Livestock GPS locations – Società Italiana di Agronomia, 52° Convegno Nazionale- La ricerca agronomica per la transizione verde (Conference of the Italian Society of Agronomy) – Portici (Naples) 25-27 September 2023. Poster.

de Guttry L., Hurdu I. B., van der Plas F. - Functional traits variation in the Carpathian endemic Campanula serrata along altitudinal gradients. -Biogeography of the Carpathians, 3rd international symposium. Prague, 12-14 September 2022. Poster.

Codato D., de Guttry L., Rosina G., de Marchi M. - Università di Padova e sostenibilità: il progetto UniTreePD per la mappatura del verde universitario. (‘University of Padua and Sustainabilty: the UniTreePD project to map university’s green areas’) – ASITA conference, Trieste, 2019. Oral presentation and publication on conference proceedings (pp. 277-288).



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